
Wally 1.0

Wally is a relationship wellness app that helps people communicate better with their partners, family and colleagues offline. This app was somewhat inspired by those RizzApp tiktoks that all of us find on our for-you page on TikTok but with actual functionality. Wally can help you communicate better offline by giving you suggestions on what to say. Wally is also able to take in additional contextual data to give more accurate suggestions.


Next.jsReactTypeScript/JavaScriptTailwindCSStRPCTanstack QueryVercelClerk/NextAuthPrisma ORMPostgreSQLPineconeOpenAI APIStripeReact Native

This is the first time I have worked on a comprehensive full-stack project like this. Before starting on the project, I had to spend a lot of time learning what was the best way to structure a full-stack like this and how to make it scalable at the same time. I had to reasearch online and find out the best conventions and practices to follow, and I am glad that I have done so as I definitely feel like I have learned a lot :)

Wally Home Page

Some key features of Wally 1.0 include:

  • Chat interface to communicate with Wally
  • Sign up and login
  • Create profiles for chats with different people
  • Get suggestions on what to say
  • Uses RAG and OpenAI API to generate suggestions
  • All data stored by Wally is secured and encrypted
  • Stripe payment process integration

Final Thoughts

I plan to continue working on Wally and keep adding more features to it. I hope to make Wally available on mobile devices once we have successfully tested it on the web and distribute it on the Android Play Store/Apple App Store.