
RHOC Supper Bidding System

The Supper Bidding App was built for the Raffles Hall Orientation Camp. It was a project under RHDevs and was done in collaboration with the RHOC committee. The app was built to allow incoming freshmen to have a supper bidding competition during the Orientation Camp. The app was primarily built using React, with Vite and Firebase


Next.jsReactTypeScript/JavaScriptTailwindCSSTanstack QueryVercelFirebase FirestoreFirebase Authentication

This app was my first time working with Firebase and I found it to be a interesting and powerful tool. During the build process, I had to learn how to use Firebase to store and manage user data as well as authenticate users based on their roles.

RHOC Supper Bidding System Preview UI

Some key features of RHOC Supper Bidding System include:

  • Audience is able to view a public dashboard of their current bids
  • Admin able to start a bidding session
  • Manage points for each RHOC group
  • Add custome food items for bidding
  • Swap items between 2 groups
  • View the bidding history of each group

Final Thoughts

Overall, this was a very minimalistic app, however I am happy with the way it turned out! This project will be passed on to the next RHDevs EXCO for maintenance and hopefully it becomes a staple for every RH orientation camp in the future.